Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Study Break!!

I've spent a LOT of time studying lately. I think it's time for a break. So I've scrounged up a few more pictures of Percy to show off to you.

Another picture with the remote control. Looking at the old one, he doesn't seem that much bigger. But trust me, he is. He weighs about five pounds now, compared to two pounds when he first came home. And he's taller and longer. And his eyes are a lot darker. But his ears haven't gotten any smaller!

He likes to cuddle in the crook of my arm. He'll come and curl up on my arm when I'm sleeping, too.

Just chillin' like a villain.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Those ears!!

These two pictures show off Percival's giant ears. The second picture gives a small glimpse of our living room. The quilt hanging on the wall was made by Liz's grandmother. It matches all our green furniture and gives the room a very homey look.
More pictures coming later!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

This is Percival, Percy for short.

It seems that he's already twice as big as he was in this picture. And he's growing into those ears.
Now, I know what I'll do with this space. I never thought I'd have a photoblog, but this really is the most logical way to let my parents see what's going on in my life. Hi Mom and Dad!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

One day, I'll know what I want to do with this space.